School Land Trust

School LAND Trust

Due to generous donations from the Utah LAND Trust Fund, Athenian eAcademy (AeA) has been able to purchase over 120 new Chromebooks to replace broken and outdated ones. These Chromebooks help facilitate learning for both our Campus and our Blended Education students. We are continuing to use our LAND Trust funds to purchase research-based online programs. New this year will be the purchase of 3D printers which will give our students the opportunity to learn about and work with this new and exciting technology.

The State of Utah allocates money to public schools based on school size and from funds generated from the earnings on the permanent State School Fund, where revenue from school trust lands is invested. These funds are given to schools annually to assist students' academic progress. In the past Athenian eAcademy has used these funds to assist with technology and curriculum supplies that support students' academic growth achievement. 

Proposed LAND Trust Funds for the 2022/23 School Year

In 2022/23, AeA will receive $76,462.00 for the 2022/23 school year, as follows:

Planned ExpenditureAmount
3D Printers and Document Cameras$7,000
Chromebook Replacement: Chromebooks are typically in the $250 range. The school has a 4-year replacement plan to replace every Chromebook about every 4 years. The school may also need to replace Chromebooks as they wear out our need to purchase more for student enrollment growth.$30,000
Online programs such as Infini-D Learning, Reading Eggs and Mathseeds, or any other online program the administration feels is necessary or beneficial.$39,462